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Provide your clients with home delivery of the products you prescribe and recommend.

Woman lying on the couch with her dog

Essential services for your practice

Vetsource® Home Delivery is our most-trusted home delivery provider. Vetsource offers a seamless service to meet the refill needs of your pet owners leaving you to do what you do best — care for animals. You get everything you need to run a successful online pharmacy while maintaining continuity of care as the prescribing veterinarian, leaving the logistics to the Vetsource team of experts.

Online pet spending is on the rise

13.3 million households purchased pet products online in 2018 — 3 times the amount in 2013*

*U.S. Pet Market Outlook, 2019–2020
of pet owners buy products online
of pet owners purchase Rx medications through alternative channels

How Vetsource helps you compete

See how you can improve client compliance, grow revenue, and increase your profits with the help of Vetsource

Practice better, care better

Why choose Vetsource

How Vetsource supports your business

Grow revenue. Improve compliance.

Vetsource Home Delivery is risk free! No enrollment fee, no monthly service charge and no cancellation fee.